CSU momma & baby:)

CSU momma & baby:)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

So thankful

Huge, traditional feast - check
Turkey-induced coma nap - check
Time to put out the blog....

There is so much for me to be thankful for today!  Here is a small list, in not really any order:

  • I'm thankful I don't have a husband that says, "Did you do anything today?"
  • I'm thankful I didn't listen when the doctors said, "It's not that you can't have children, but you probably shouldn't." 
  • I'm thankful for baby hugs...when she melts into my shoulder and squeezes me with her little arms...<sigh> 
  • I'm thankful my puppy is starting to get the idea that OUTSIDE is where dogs pee. 
  • I'm thankful for my "Big House on the Prairie."  I still can't believe that God picked this place out for us.
  • On that note, I'm thankful for windows - huh?  When it's windy at night (often) I'm always glad we have glass in the windows that keeps the wind vortex from coming through my room.
  • I'm SO thankful I was born in this country.  My few visits to other countries have always confirmed this.
  • I'm thankful my kids don't have ANY serious health problems.  I think we went to the doctor maybe once last year?
  • I'm thankful Kirk lets me have pets.  I know if he had the choice, he would live animal free, but I love having all of them around (and I know Kirk loves me).
  • I'm thankful for my heritage on both sides.  My parents' families are pretty different from each other, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
  • I'm thankful for my parents.  I am so blessed to have them here, close to me, and they are such a great support system for us.
  • I'm thankful for my in-laws.  They are such a blessing to us!  I always wish they weren't so far away, but I'm grateful for their generosity and servants' hearts.
  • I'm thankful Kirk let us use "real" plates and serving dishes today.
  • I'm thankful (and so is our dishwasher) we don't use them everyday.
  • I'm thankful for holidays that are full of tradition.  They make me stop and think of all the things to be thankful for!
  • I'm thankful for my church.  It's been such a cool blessing to be in the same place I grew up in, with some old friends and some new.
  • I'm thankful for my pastor and his wife.  We don't have a "slick" perfect package type church, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  Our pastor is real, our sanctuary is pink, and I love it all.  (Some day things will get updated, but in the meantime, I'm glad our pastor puts first things first).
  • I'm thankful for Kirk's job(s).  Even though it's not exciting work, it's good work, that he doesn't have to wear on his shoulders when he comes home.
  • I'm so thankful that Jesus, the lover of my soul, drew me close to Him, into the sweetest, best relationship on the planet!

When I say I'm thankful - I want to make it clear to whom I am thanking.  It always drives me crazy when people say they're thankful, but don't give credit where it's due.  I know that God is the source of everything I'm thankful for.  I really hope our entire nation (not just those at the top) get back to the true meaning of that first Thanksgiving celebration.  Those pilgrims had been through so much to get here - more than most of us can even imagine - yet they knew the calling God had given them, and they were still completely thankful for His Providence.

Here are some pictures of the things I'm most thankful for:

See I said I'm thankful my kids are all healthy (look how fast my son can run!<giggle>)

Happy Thanksgiving!

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