CSU momma & baby:)

CSU momma & baby:)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

My New Year's Resolution

As much as I love, love, love, decorating for Christmas, I think I equally love the feeling after everything is put away from the Holidays.  My Living Room seems twice the size and everything just feels less cluttered (besides the millions of toys that somehow made their way into my house from Christmas).   I also love the chance the New Year brings to have a fresh start.  I'm not always big on "official" New Year's resolutions, but I usually try to set a goal of some kind.  This year, however, I want to be more "official."  Remember this craft I made a few months ago?

It came in quite handy during Christmas time as a place to display Christmas cards and pictures we received from friends and family, and now, I'd like to use it as a place to proudly display our family's resolutions.  I thought it might provide some built-in accountability if we kept them up for everyone to see for a little while, until hopefully, what we're trying to accomplish becomes a habit.  So what is my resolution for 2012?

Drum Roll.....

FlyLady cartoonI really want to get back into Flylady.  Have you heard of her?  I discovered her about five years ago shortly after we had moved to Cheyenne.  I know it's typical of New Year resolutions, but she helps with organization, scheduling, and uncluttering (and really so much more).  Finding her was such a breath of fresh air for me.  I felt like this lady, whom I of course had never met, understood me and could totally relate to how I operate.  If you tend to get sidetracked easily - e.g. you start organizing your desk and get lost in  your child's artwork, or you go to a room to quickly put something away, see something else and completely forget what you were doing before - or if you have "perfectionist" tendencies, then I encourage you to check her website out.  You can click here to go to her website.  There is a place to "get started" that will take you through her process of organizing.

I was a very devoted "flybaby" when I first began her routines, but because of life, I have gotten away from many of her helpful routines - some have stuck like glue, but some have needed some upgrading as we have added more children, moved to different houses, and life has thrown all kinds of changes at us.  I haven't taken the time to adapt, and THAT is my plan for this year.  One of the biggest things Flylady preaches is "babysteps."  People like ME tend to try to tackle an entire project or goal with an "all or nothing" attitude, and when that doesn't work and we burn out because we can't maintain our own unrealistic standards, we throw in the towel and don't do anything.  That's the whole perfectionism monster rearing its head.  It says, "If you can't do this perfect, why even bother?"  That  is the voice I have to work to ignore to get back on the Flylady train.  If you have any Flylady stories or are planning on checking her website out, please let me know!

1 comment:

  1. I love Flylady. I haven't tried to do her babysteps in years though. Maybe I should try to get back to it too. I have the same problem of the perfectionism monster.
