Recently I decided to open a can of worms for myself and start looking into routine vaccinations. I admit I just started learning about this topic. Up until now, I've put myself in the "ignorance is bliss" category, putting blind faith in the medical world to keep me and my family safe. I decided to give the matter a second look and try to really figure things out. I was talking to my chiropractor about the subject and he let me borrow a book called Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective (a Parent's Guide to Childhood Shots) by Neil Z. Miller (C) 1994. Obviously this book is probably pretty outdated, but it brought up some timeless facts as well. I've always heard it said that the reason why we don't have a problem with smallpox, polio, measles, etc. is because these diseases were eradicated by vaccines. Au Contraire! Actually, the cases for these diseases were starting to decrease on their own when the vaccines were being developed. There was a "herd" immunity being developed in the population that caused the disease to lose its strength in that area. Anyway, this is not why I've chosen to blog on this topic.
The other can of worms that Kirk and I chose to open many years ago was "contraception." We were educated on how the Pill and other hormonal type methods of birth control work, and decided that these didn't fit with our beliefs. My whole point with both "worm cans" is how important it is for us to take the time to find out for ourselves if something is good or bad. I'm over believing my government knows what's best for me and my kids and the fact that vaccines are mandated makes me want to look into it even more! Right now in Cheyenne's schools if kids don't receive a certain number of Chicken Pox vaccines by January of next year, they will be kicked out of school until they comply or get a religious exemption. Isn't Chicken Pox the disease that people got as children that made them itch, but got them out of school for a week? My chiropractor was saying that, especially with the newer vaccines, nobody knows how long this artificial immunity will last. So, in the case of the Chicken Pox vaccine, kids may not get the disease when they're young, but they may get it as an adult, which is far worse.
So, my personal conclusion is I'm making a commitment to educate myself about each vaccine. I don't believe all vaccines are evil. I'm glad I can travel and not be afraid of dying from some crazy disease. However, I am going to really assess the risks of not getting the vaccine and weigh it against the risks of getting it. I'm going to ask questions instead of just taking the stack of paper they give me at the doctor's office that overwhelms me with its medical jargon and unclear information. I'm not going to be scared into anything or allow others (especially nurses, in my experience) to tell me my kids won't be able to go to school if they don't get a shot. (I was told this by a nurse when I questioned the need for my newborn to get a Hepatitis B shot before I left the hospital - this disease is primarily spread by dirty needles and sexual contact!) I encourage you to take the same steps to decide for yourself. Also, if you have information and care to share it in the comments, I'd love to read them.
Good post.
ReplyDeleteWe've decided TO vaccinate after our research but I go into vaccinations with my eyes wide open! The chicken pox one, and a few others, are iffy to me but overall, I'd rather have the choice to vaccinate against illnesses that are routinely killing children around the world.
I am a huge vaccination advocate after doing my research and speaking with people in the field. I am blessed to have worked for Public Health, a private school (as a school nurse), and closely with a pediatrician. Be very careful of bias in the research you are reading Cara! I took two classes in college that taught me how to be a good consumer of statistics and medical research and I can say from experience there are PLENTY of people with an agenda out there that manipulate facts and numbers to their advantage. The physician that first sounded the alarm of the MMR vaccine being linked to autism had a HUGE agenda and his original study was full of issues and was downright unethical. The Medical Journal that first published it has withdrawn their support once ALL the facts were on the table. Make sure to read that story as part of your research. Also think to the future with your children. Yes, we now live is a safe and clean society where we don't worry about our children being exposed to dirty needles and sexual encounters. Things can change quickly and we may not always be so safe and protected. It is is important to me to be sure my children are protected not only in our current situation, but in worst case scenerios. Best of luck in your research and try to be unbiased from square one.
ReplyDeleteI knew an acquaintance in one specific part of my life who was very ULTRA sensitive about immunizations for one reason or another. (She thought that the mark of the beast would be injected into her children)therefore she chose not to get immunizations for her children. As I thought about my kids and how often they have gotten sick, it was minimal. However, at 3 months of age (before they could administer the shot) Jamie brought home Pertussis from the VA, (after they misdiagnosed him)and gave it to Isabel. Who knows if she had gotten the shot that she may have never gotten the illness.
My point is: Fear is a HUGE motivator for people. Sometimes it can have a good outcome, sometimes it keeps us in more bondage than what our inheritance gives us. Be informed not afraid, and trust God Cara to tell you what's good for your children. Even if that means NOT reading the popular articles out there and what society says is good for them.
Love you,
Hi I'm Toni and no you don't know me. I am Katie Andrew's cousin and I clicked on this page from her likes page and came across this. I couldn't help myself I had to reply. Dr. Sears has the best vaccine book out there . It is unbiased. It lists all of the ingredients and possible side effects of each brand of vaccine. It also lists the pro's and con's. It is a very big decision to make and no matter what you decide its amazing that you are informing yourself so much. 2 of my kids had vaccines 2 don't. My middle child who was vaccinated catches everything. Both of my vaccinated children caught pertusses. No vaccine is 100%. We have had many run ins because we have a special needs child to the point where public health showed up at my door step because we refused the H1N1. They will try to scare you with stories. The key is to know the truth and make an informed decision wether it be to vaccinate or not. My dr. kept telling me all of things that could happen without them, when I asked her the ingredients and statistics she had no idea. I support people if they do or don't as long as its an informed decision and if you need any help please let me know, I have done a lot of research about vaccines.
ReplyDeleteOh also if you decide not too there is just a box on the back of the immunization card that you check. We put religion and they are not allowed to ask you why or what religion. We had one dr. ask and I told him we are Christians and put our faith in the Lord, he never asked again.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comments everyone! Toni, thanks for weighing in on the subject - it's so cool to connect with someone in cyberspace! Maybe we'll get to meet for real, too! I definitely will check into the Dr. Sears book.
ReplyDeleteI never realized this is such a hot topic, with feverish opinions on both sides. I am excited to become more educated about this whole thing. My bottom line though (and I was reminded this by a good friend yesterday) is that putting my trust in God is THE most important thing I can do to protect my kids. For me, that doesn't mean that I don't ever take them to doctors or refuse medicine, etc. What I mean is, God is ultimately responsible for my kids. He is their creator and loves them so much more than I ever could. I feel the same way about car seats. My kids sit in car seats, but I don't for one second think that a upholstered piece of plastic is going to keep my kids alive if we're in a crash. I agree with Brooke that I don't want to make life decisions based on fear. The perfect love of Jesus casts out all fear:)
Very well put Cara. The problem with vaccinations is people are passionate for or against them and sometimes it can become a very heated topic. I try to steer clear of those. I agree, medical intervention saved my daughters life. Without her feeding placement tube she wouldn't be alive. I trust that God will guide me to make the right decisions and I am not "against" all vaccinations. If one come out and God has it on my heart to get it I would in a heartbeat. I always think if its part of Gods plan for my kids to get sick they are going to get it no matter what. Its so great to meet you cyberly lol. btw I love your wrap, I lived in mine the first year of my kids lives lol
ReplyDeleteCara, my ped in Charlotte, NC told me that Chicken Pox vax only has a 70% rate of working. I have had friends whose kid got the vax and still ended up getting chicken pox. We selectively vax our children. David hasn't had the Chicken pox vax and I don't do flu either. I am waiting for the next round of pox to make its way through the Mennonite community.
ReplyDeleteThe best thing you can do is read both sides of the argument and then decide for yourself. We have a religious exemption for David.