CSU momma & baby:)

CSU momma & baby:)

Monday, November 29, 2010

This is my first time!

YAY!  I'm excited to start my first blog.  It honestly baffles me a little that anyone would want to read what I have to say, but it sounds like fun anyway.  What a weird phenomenon - You write a journal and put it out there for the world to read. 
Here's the lowdown on my blog name:  We've made it our family motto to have JOY - putting Jesus first, then others, and then yourself.  This came from a catchy little song we sang in children's church growing up
Jesus and others and you,
What a wonderful way to spell JOY
Jesus and others and you
In the hearts of each girl and each boy
J is for Jesus who lives in first place
O is for others you meet face to face
Y is for you in whatever you do
What a wonderful way to spell joy.
Anyway, I really believe this with all my heart.  If we get our eyes off ourselves and look to Jesus and Others, our problems usually don't seem as big.  My good friend and mentor, Dean Niforatos said that we tend to try to spell YOJ instead (what does that even mean?)  That being said - I struggle with this just like anyone!  That's why I wanted to be "4 real."  I want to be an open book.  I never want to come across like I know everything or have it all together because I don't.  I hope to encourage others (this was one of my spiritual gifts according to one of those inventory things:)  Be blessed!


  1. Welcome to blog land. It is the best free-therapy you'll ever get!

    I've super enjoyed reading the thoughts of other women, seeing crafts and dates I can do NOW, and finding camaraderie with women around the globe!

    And I'm your first follower!

  2. Well, no I'm not. Someone just beat me to it and now I can't get it to work!

  3. Good 4 you. I like it so far. I like your analogy to JOY. We missed you at Thanksgiving.

  4. Reagan and I must have both been trying to be your first follower at the same time. I won!

  5. Keep it up. I hope you will share some of the cute things your kids do. How do you manage homeschooling with an infant?

  6. Yay!!! I'm so glad you have a blog!!! I love you and think you're so cool! :) Can't wait to read more!!! I know you will definitely inspire and encourage many many moms and future moms!

  7. Hey there, Nellie Lane - how do I manage homeshcooling with an infant? She's a piece of cake. It's the 22 month old, 3 year old and 5 year old that make things quite interesting!:)
