CSU momma & baby:)

CSU momma & baby:)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday Fun Day - Don't Follow the Rules!

I have to admit.  I tend to be a rule follower.  Being one of these people, I think in most cased it is a good thing to "stay within the lines."  But, I do find myself admiring people who are less afraid of getting in trouble than me, and <GASP> even take pride in seeing what happens if they don't do exactly what the rule book says.  "What does this have to do with 'Friday Fun Day'?", you might be asking yourself. 
Well,  I am married to someone who is a little less rigid when it comes to rules and sometimes (emphasis on sometimes) I can see that it's ok to NOT follow the rules.  This may not be a novel idea to many of you, but I'm guessing if you ARE like me and feel this crazy need to do things as written, it may be refreshing to hear.
I know the suspense is killing you - what insane laws is Cara breaking?  What has Kirk talked her into doing?  Will she spend Christmas in jail this year?  Um....no, if you're not into rules, this will probably sound dumb.
Anyway, Kirk started getting some of our old board games out that have too many.... (wait for it) RULES, and adjusting them so almost everyone in our family can play (at least down to the 4 year old.)  We did this with Guesstures when we were on vacation, and it was so fun and easy to play. We just used the cards, which essentially made it Charades, but we didn't have to spend time coming up with answers.   It was HILARIOUS to see our 4 year old doing the same action over and over and over, expecting us to get here clue, and giggling "NO!" for each wrong answer.  For some people (myself definitely included), it's kind of hard to take one component of a game and forget the points, all the pieces, even the BOARD, but it's actually ok!  The game police did NOT bust down our door and haul us off for not using the timer!
You can do the same thing with Pictionary, maybe ditching the board and just drawing pictures and guessing in teams.  With Scrabble, you could divide the letters evenly, and just see what crazy nonsense words you could come up with - then try to come up with meanings.  (I guess that's a little like Balderdash, too.)
If you happen to be in the same stage of life as us - having  kids of all different ages - I encourage you to take a look at some of those games that may be collecting dust until you wait for those littles to grow up and be able to count money in Monopoly and play as a family.  I'd love to hear some of the board games you play together, rule following or not.  Have a great Friday!

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