CSU momma & baby:)

CSU momma & baby:)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Random Ramblings

I'm taking a day off from my normal blog routine (hey...I'm allowed to do that, right?)  Anyway, I had so many random things rolling around in my brain, I thought I'd just get them down on here today.  Did I mention it's going to be random;)?

I saw this picture yesterday and laughed out loud.  My dogs started barking at me - I guess they thought something must be wrong?  This picture definitely confirms that I'm a nerd.  My husband, although he is an accountant, probably isn't a nerd - I had to explain it to him.  If you fit into the "not nerd" category, let me know and I'll explain it to you.

Here's another picture for the nerds:  (Woot, Woot!)

Alright...this is a really cool tip I found the other day online.  I kinda hate buying refills for my swiffer wetjet, but it seemed like any methods I had heard before (using a syringe) would take waaay too much time and energy.  Well, click here and see a really easy method for reusing those bottles. You're welcome.

Taken from "Lifehacker"

I found such a cute treat that would be adorable to take to a Thanksgiving feast.  Click here for a link to this easy yummyness.  I found this on the blog called "The Next Bird."  It looks like there is a lot of neat ideas on this blog. I'm followin'.
from "The Next Bird"

Speaking of which, click here for another cool trick/craft/way to save something you messed up this blogger has posted.  Now my wheels are turning thinking of things to make "original."
from "The Next Bird"

OK, I'll leave you with one last thing I found on Pinterest (my new favorite website).  This kind of actually fits with my normal "Friday Fun Day" theme - especially if you are in the nerd camp!

Here is the link to the website for directions on a simple, little kids yahtzee game.  They even have a pdf so you can print off the game and play right away (if you can find your dice).
from Kidscount1234.com
Stay tuned tomorrow.  I'm going to post my very first "tutorial" of a craft I created from start to finish.  I know...Tuesday is craft day, but this is partly for Thanksgiving, so I thought I should post a little sooner.  I'm feeling slightly proud of myself:)

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